Saturday, January 10, 2009


新的一年开始了,在过去的一年里,我做了些什么呢?其实plan 要实现的事大多都没有做到,真惭愧. 我只实现了去台湾旅行的梦. 2009 年的plan 呢,还在pending, 应该很快就会出炉了吧。=p 以前,学生时代时,根本没有planing , 就只会读书,玩啦,逛街,njoy life la. 现在可能老了,开始会要planing for the year, for the future and start to think a lot haha.

I hope in the future achieve something that i want in my career and at the same time can have sufficient time for my family members.

I wanna travel to Australia, HK, Shang Hai, Sabah, Sarawak, and others country with beautiful lanscape, or some historical place, then take many photos of every place that i have visit to.

I wanna record or take photo of every happy moment that i have went through

I wanna further in my interest, piano, or become part time piano teacher =p

I wanna.............

I wanna ................

I wanna..................

Too much things i wanna do, but juz sit down and think only, it wont come true. Last time, i juz think and dream of wat i wanna do in the future, but now, i dun wanna juz sit down and think, i wanna make my dreams come true. Life is so short, if not act fast, and time past by, u will regret. Never try, never know. If u try ady, but not success, dun be sad, at least u try before, u have nothing to lost.

Life is short, break the rules, forgive and forget quickly, love truly and never regret anything that made you smile. Live life to the fullest. May all of us dreams come true =p


  1. I totally agree with "Life is short, break the rules, forgive and forget quickly, love truly and never regret anything that made you smile. Live life to the fullest. "... gambateh ya.. i wil always support u...

  2. Thanks my friend, i will always support u too. Hope to see u during our CNY annual reunion dinner la, really quite a long time din meet v u d. Keep in touch ya.
