Saturday, April 18, 2009


一直以来,我都是个很注重结果的人。希望我努力的事会有好的结果,这应该是正常的吧。但是最近我发现原来结果并不是最重要的,重要的是过程。如果太过注重结果而忘了享受当中的过程,回想起来的时候,会发现到好像没什么特别的回忆。那么即使你做的事多么的成功,也没什么意义对吧???好好享受你做的每件事,那么你就会开始appreciate 你的人生 and also appreciate everything, every single moment, and everyone, even though u are in the down site of ur life. 可能结局不是那么美好,但是整个过程当中,至少你有开心过,那也很足够了吧。=p

Friday, April 3, 2009



其实我也发现我自己有点变了,慢慢的,一点一点的失去了单纯天真的心,所以有时我需要一些时间和个人空间让我的心休息一下,而最好的方法就是去旅行和弹钢琴。悠闲悠闲的去个地方,什么都不用想是很不错得享受,最好是和一班很玩得的朋友去,那会更不错。我下一个要去的地方是 xxxxxx. 哈哈 =p


从小学到中学,我都觉得我是活在大家定给我的计划里,活在一个system里。小学时除了玩乐以外就是要考好检定考试,中学时除了搞活动和朋友喝茶就是专心念书,总觉得活在一个format里头。超无创意的。 在大学的时候,就开始为以后作打算,很有理想, 很有抱负。已经开始为自己的人生涂上不一样的颜色。 但是,当出来工作时,发现i m lost, 又好像回到小学和中学一样
活在一个system里面,重复的做一样的东西,做一些他人吩咐的事。很庆幸的是,我发现我迷路了,我也开始寻找我要的路,我要的生活,虽然还是很模糊但是至少我已经开始又为自己的人生彩上颜色了。我需要为自己而活(听起来好像有点自私),为我的家人,朋友,还有身边的人做一些事情。 你已经开始为自己的将来涂上颜色了吗??

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My weird concept

1. Definition of bad guy. If a person told u that he is a bad guy, he explain how bad he is, what terrible things he had done, but then i wont think that he is a bad guy. Because, when he tell u he is bad means he realized what he done is wrong. If the person hide everything from you, he is worst cause he bluf to u at the first place. I hate ppl bluffing to me.

2. Money is something but is not everything. If a guy( A) who is very rich but he is not so love u and dun have time to accompany u, but another guy (B) who is not rich but love you and treat u very nice and can give you wat ever he have, who will you choose. I think i will stupid untill go choose the B. Haha, silly girl.

3. Concept of never try, never know. I dun know since when i feel like, really need to try out wat u wish to do. Life is so short, if u never try it how u know it wont work, i dun wish i ll regret in the future. That's y i always get hurt when try this and that, but i no regret.. =p

4. Forever love?? I dun know i still believe or not haha, confused!

Hmm, still got a lot to write, hehe, continue next time la =p

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


幸福就像玻璃球,从天而降,坠落满地。每个人都有机会捡起那幸福的碎片,努力的可能捡到比较多, 但是在这过程当中可能会被那碎片割伤。曾经受过伤,未尝不是件好事,因为下次就学会如何不被它伤到,先苦后甜,就会更珍惜那得来不易的幸福。=p

Sunday, February 1, 2009


有位司机,每次经过弯弯曲曲的路回家时, 都非常小心的驾驶,当到了一段短短又笔直的路时司机就一定会割车。每次都平安到家。有一天,司机和朋友聊天,谈起了驾车经验时,司机就很兴高采烈的说起他如何在那笔直的公路割车。朋友就告诉司机,其实那段笔直的公路, 发生过无数次的意外,可说是死亡公路,反而那弯曲的路意外还不常发生。因为,当有危险时,人们会很小心, 但当我们觉的安全时,就会很大意,一不留神就发生了意外。

的顺利的多。是不是,安全=危险,危险=安全???? 哈哈 =p

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I am wrong!!

I think i am those kind of people who will say out what i am thinking without consider the consequences and other's feeling. I will realize immediately that i had say the wrong things, but then is too late,i am not able to undo what i had done.

Sometimes, i do something that i think is good for my friends, family, but then end up that it is not what he or she want, and i may screw up the condition. Seems like sometime i am a busybody, hmmm.....................

I think i really need to think twice or more, from every espect before i say anything or do anything. =p

Saturday, January 10, 2009


新的一年开始了,在过去的一年里,我做了些什么呢?其实plan 要实现的事大多都没有做到,真惭愧. 我只实现了去台湾旅行的梦. 2009 年的plan 呢,还在pending, 应该很快就会出炉了吧。=p 以前,学生时代时,根本没有planing , 就只会读书,玩啦,逛街,njoy life la. 现在可能老了,开始会要planing for the year, for the future and start to think a lot haha.

I hope in the future achieve something that i want in my career and at the same time can have sufficient time for my family members.

I wanna travel to Australia, HK, Shang Hai, Sabah, Sarawak, and others country with beautiful lanscape, or some historical place, then take many photos of every place that i have visit to.

I wanna record or take photo of every happy moment that i have went through

I wanna further in my interest, piano, or become part time piano teacher =p

I wanna.............

I wanna ................

I wanna..................

Too much things i wanna do, but juz sit down and think only, it wont come true. Last time, i juz think and dream of wat i wanna do in the future, but now, i dun wanna juz sit down and think, i wanna make my dreams come true. Life is so short, if not act fast, and time past by, u will regret. Never try, never know. If u try ady, but not success, dun be sad, at least u try before, u have nothing to lost.

Life is short, break the rules, forgive and forget quickly, love truly and never regret anything that made you smile. Live life to the fullest. May all of us dreams come true =p

Friday, January 9, 2009


A Baz Luhrmann Film, starring by Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman, is a romantic action-adventure movie. Before we went to the movie, my friend told me that, " This may be a boring movie, hope u wont kill me after u watch it la". Then i sort of being prepared to be get bored =p. However, very surprisingly, it is not boring at all, somehow it is so touching and i really like the movie. The story line is fantastic and the landscape is breathtakingly beautiful. I really not realised that i spent 2 hour 45 minutes in the cinema.

The story start in northern Australia prior to World War II, Nicole Kidman inherited her husband land, however there is bad guy plot to take her land. Here comes the hero, Hugh Jackman, the rough-hewn cattle drover. They embark on a trip together across hundreds of miles of the most beautiful place in Australia to save the land. Together, they fight for their future, the land, their cattle, they go through the happiness and sorrow in the journey, and facing the World War II. At the end, they manage to be together, however there are some of their friends sacrified in the middle.

Actually, in life, especially this realistic life is really very difficult to have someone fight for the future with u together, share the happiness and sorrow together, and be there with u. If really have such a person with u, then u really have to appreciate him or her, haha =p

Before watching the movie, i got plan to travel to Australia, but after watching the movie, i determined that i must go there in the future. By the way, by watching the movie, we can join the contest and win a trip to Australia. Hehe, i really hope v are so lucky can win the contest. If not, then have to plan and pay for the trip ourown =p

Anyway, Australia is a super nice movie, thanks =p